Friday, November 9, 2012

Convictions from the God of Life

As many of you know, who are friends with me know, The Lord convicted me a year ago of the evils of abortion and showed me that I needed to stand up and fight out against the injustice just as Fredrick Douglas and Martin Luther King Jr. did. I was shown not only how it was wrong according to the Bible, but also how it was wrong from a scientific and biological point of view. I have been attacked and threatened ever since and have lost many "friends". Yes that upsets me, and if it were of my own choosing there was no way in the world that I would choose to go down this path of stress,insults,threats, and violence. But I chose to live my life for Christ, and allow him to use me to further spread the glory of his kingdom. Why he chose me to do this I do not know, but I DO know that shedding innocent blood is wrong. During my Freshman year of college at Mississippi State University I became involved with our Students For Life group on campus. It was started by a Summit Grad, and after she graduated she passed it onto another Summit Grad. Right before I Went to summit in May, the president at that time, who graduated that month asked if I would be interested. I turned it down because I didn't feel like I knew enough. After attending Summit and learning from Dr Mike Adams and Scott Klusendorf, I felt like God was calling me to do more. I contacted the former president to see if she had found anyone to replace her yet. She told me no and asked again if I wanted to do it. I accepted. Since I have been president of the MSU chapter of SFL, we have had a SFLA rep meet with us and give us advise and ideas of things to do. A couple months ago I was contacted by a lady who was on the board of a group that was planning to open a "Crisis Pregnancy Center" in our town that was geared towards College Students. She wanted us to help promote it. Well, they plan to open the Pregnancy Care Center this spring. it is gospel based and geared towards single college mothers(although all women are welcome). It will be completely free of charge and they will offer free pregnancy testing, counseling, and the new OBGYN is working as the medical doctor free of charge. this center will help pregnant mothers and mothers after pregnancy. they will provide counseling for the expecting mothers, new mothers, and post abortion counseling. all done from a loving Biblical approach. The same people opened one identical to this one in Alabama a couple years ago and through their services and counseling to women in crisis, led over 300 women to Christ! I know God has great plans for this one as well. They are having an event to announce their plans to the community and share their plans as well as accept any donations this Thursday at 7. They have asked me to say the opening prayer for the event. I am a bit nervous, but I know God will help guide me to say the right things.


  1. It was a great event. I enjoyed getting to hear about all of the plans for the new center. I will definitely be praying for God to bless the endeavors of those that are starting this ministry in Starkville.

    1. Thank you! We had a big banquet last month with over 800 guests. Our goal was to raise $150,000 but, by God's Grace, we raised $190,000 in that one night! My vice-president and I were invited and attended. It was amazing! God has certainly blessed us. I know the director and have gotten to be friends with the medical director and his wife. Fantastic people with a heart for the Lord. We got our ultrasound machine in a couple weeks ago and it is in storage at a local church. Next on the agenda is to find somewhere to build and start building the Center. Please be praying for the board that they find a good place to start building. I am planning on volunteering and putting my Public Relations major skills to good use. I know the Lord is going to do great things for people through this place and all those involved with it! Thanks for your support and prayers!
      You can check out the website at:
