Before Jesus, sin was what separated us from God. It was a great divide between us and God. When Jesus died, he died for every single human being on earth. He took our sins upon himself. Everything bad that we will ever do was paid for on that cross. Jesus paid the price for all of our sin. So, sin is no longer the problem nor is it what separates us from God. He bridged that divide creating a way for us to get to the father. He tells us that if we simply believe in him that we will have eternal life with him. The word believe is the same Greek word for faith or trust, and it simply means to believe something to be true. We simply believe that He is who he said he was and that what he did accomplished what he said it accomplished. We take God at his word. No actions or changes of life that we do have anything to do with obtaining salvation. It is by God's GRACE alone that we are saved, through FAITH ALONE in Jesus Christ alone. This salvation comes from nothing else but faith. No good works. Scripture tells us that since we are saved by Grace, then we are not saved by works. And if we were saved by works, then it could not be by Grace. The word Grace means an undeserved gift, meaning nothing we do can obtain it. Works and Grace are complete opposites. If any type of works are tied into salvation, (good deeds, baptism, saying a prayer, confession, turning from sins, going to church, ect) then that is NOT the salvation that is offered in the Bible. That would be a salvation that depended on something we did. Works CANNOT be part of salvation. We are saved by Christ's FREE GIFT. We accept it by simply believing in Him. Once we put our faith in him, we can then start our journey in our Christian life.
* Matthew 7:21-23, John 3:16, 6:29, 8:24, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 3:19-31, Galatians 2:16, 4:2-5, 11:6, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 3:4-7, 1 John 3:23,
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