Last night while driving home I started thinking about some things that my mentor and good friend Butch Simmons taught me about how to deal with people who don't teach a clear presentation of the gospel, which is extremely common in the "church" today.
It frustrates me so much to hear people say the gospel in one sentence, "to be saved you must believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again." But then turn around a few minutes later and add works to the simple faith by saying, "if you are doing certain sins, haven't turned from sins, or if you don't see yourself doing good works, you were never saved at all." This is the works-based false gospel that is rampant in our society. Should we do good works and turn from sin? ABSOLUTELY! But that is all part of our Christian life, walking in fellowship with God, which is what we do after we are saved. It is the next phase of our life, which lasts until the day we die physically and go to be with the Lord. It is important to do good works and to confess and turn from sin, but those have nothing to do with our initial salvation (justification) which is by God's grace through faith in Jesus Christ. No works can be added to that faith, or it ceases to be the gospel (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, Acts 16:30-31, Romans 11:6).
For the past four years I have intensely studied the theologies that teach that false gospel to better understand where they are coming from in order for me to know how to share the true message of the gospel with those who follow it (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, Acts 16:30-31). Upon studying those beliefs I come across well known pastors and authors that teach this stuff. To a new believer, lay Christian/normal church goer, or one who has not studied the differences in those teachings and contrasted the to scripture, these dynamic speakers and pastors seem great and spot on. And I admit, I once really liked some of them. And most of them are great brilliant people who know the word of God, yet they have been led astray by man-made theologies and are not clear on the gospel. I have lost count of all the people who follow these well known pastors and authors. We would talk about the gospel and I would share the essential verses of the gospel to them (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16, Acts 16:30-31) and these people would say, "simply believing isn't enough. Thats too easy. There has to be more to it". It saddens me to hear people say that, to hear that so many people have been taught that the simple gospel of God's grace wasn't enough. They were led to believe that there had to be something that they contributed, whether it be a contract/commitment or certain works to add to it. They miss the simple concept that Christ paid it all on the cross. He did every good thing for us, he paid for all our sins, and he tells us that if we simply believe in Him that we will have eternal life. Once we are saved, we are then called to live a life that glorifies Him.
What does this have to do with Butch?
I get very angry and frustrated when I hear the gospel being resented unclearly or when people add works to it. I want to call out those well known pastors and tell people that even though those pastors are solid on most of scripture, they do not teach God's grace, they instead teach a gospel of works. I always look to Paul's letter to the Galatians. The church of Galatia, though they were saved, they started adding works onto salvation, saying that to be saved you needed to do good works as well. Paul very harshly reprimands them. He especially calls out those who taught them those things, calling them (Galatians 1:6-10). I would always find myself calling out those well known pastors and authors.
I would always express my concerns to Butch about this. He agreed with me on those things and about those pastors but I never once heard him call those people out or point fingers. Even though he thought the same as I did, he would always quote Ephesians 6:12 to me.
He would tell me that the anger that I felt about those teachings was "righteous anger", meaning I had every right to be angry about things that contradicted scripture, but he was quick to quote that verse and he reminded me that my anger and frustration should not be with those pastors, because they have been led astray and do not know it. My anger and frustration should be with the forces that led them astray, the deceptive theologies that distort the gospel are from satan. He would tell me that even though he disagreed with them on soteriology(study of salvation), he wouldn't call them out by name. He would tell me that by calling those people out, it would only cause arguments with other believers. We should speak the truth of the gospel. Calling people out isn't always profitable.
Last night I had an argument with a fellow believer and he didn't think that the pastors and authors were teaching anything contrary to scripture. I know him and we both agree that salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, not by works. He just didn't think that they taught that stuff. I tried to explain their beliefs that I studied for the past four years but, as usual, it didn't come out clear when I tried to explain it. He thought I was talking about something else entirely. He went on to tell me that I shouldn't point fingers at pastors.
After I got in my car, I was immediately reminded of those wise words Butch used to tell me every time I got upset. The truth and conviction hit me and I realized just how much I missed Butch. He has ben a big part of my life for about a decade now. For the past 2 years he had been meeting up with me every week for one on one discipleship/mentoring.
What does this have to do with Butch?
I get very angry and frustrated when I hear the gospel being resented unclearly or when people add works to it. I want to call out those well known pastors and tell people that even though those pastors are solid on most of scripture, they do not teach God's grace, they instead teach a gospel of works. I always look to Paul's letter to the Galatians. The church of Galatia, though they were saved, they started adding works onto salvation, saying that to be saved you needed to do good works as well. Paul very harshly reprimands them. He especially calls out those who taught them those things, calling them (Galatians 1:6-10). I would always find myself calling out those well known pastors and authors.
I would always express my concerns to Butch about this. He agreed with me on those things and about those pastors but I never once heard him call those people out or point fingers. Even though he thought the same as I did, he would always quote Ephesians 6:12 to me.
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms".
He would tell me that the anger that I felt about those teachings was "righteous anger", meaning I had every right to be angry about things that contradicted scripture, but he was quick to quote that verse and he reminded me that my anger and frustration should not be with those pastors, because they have been led astray and do not know it. My anger and frustration should be with the forces that led them astray, the deceptive theologies that distort the gospel are from satan. He would tell me that even though he disagreed with them on soteriology(study of salvation), he wouldn't call them out by name. He would tell me that by calling those people out, it would only cause arguments with other believers. We should speak the truth of the gospel. Calling people out isn't always profitable.
Last night I had an argument with a fellow believer and he didn't think that the pastors and authors were teaching anything contrary to scripture. I know him and we both agree that salvation is by God's grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, not by works. He just didn't think that they taught that stuff. I tried to explain their beliefs that I studied for the past four years but, as usual, it didn't come out clear when I tried to explain it. He thought I was talking about something else entirely. He went on to tell me that I shouldn't point fingers at pastors.
After I got in my car, I was immediately reminded of those wise words Butch used to tell me every time I got upset. The truth and conviction hit me and I realized just how much I missed Butch. He has ben a big part of my life for about a decade now. For the past 2 years he had been meeting up with me every week for one on one discipleship/mentoring.
A little over three weeks ago Butch went into the hospital for a routine surgery for a hiatal (stomach) hernia. The surgery went well but 3 days after the surgery he started having complications and they had to rush him to the Critical Care Unit for emergency surgery. When they opened him up they found that the top half of his stomach had not been getting any blood pumped to it since the surgery and that it was dead. He was also septic. They removed that top section of his stomach but because of that, his esophagus was no longer connected to his stomach. For about a week the doctors didn't think he would make it. But here we are 3 weeks later and he is still with us and is slowly improving. The doctors say that if he continues to do better, in about six months they will do surgery on him again to reattach his esophagus to his stomach.
I started crying when I thought about the last time I saw Butch. When I saw him last, he was wide awake and looking around, but it was like he was trapped in his own body. It was pitiful. Seeing a man who was so in love with the Lord who lived literally day to day to serve the Lord, the strongest most dedicated man of God that I had ever met, so helpless and trapped. I just broke down. I know that I shouldn't worry because the lord will work everything out in His will. And I know that regardless of the circumstance Butch is trusting Him too. But I just can't see how having one of his faithful servants who served him diligently every day for decades who still has plenty of life left to live, trapped and confined to a room not being able to communicate is profitable. How is his current state bringing glory to God when he could be out there serving God? I know the Lord has a plan, but in the moment I have so many questions and am so depressed about the situation.
I guess the only thing to do in the moment is to trust the Lord and his promises, and know that God knows what he is doing. He has a purpose and reason for everything that happens to us. And He reminds us that everything works together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
I started crying when I thought about the last time I saw Butch. When I saw him last, he was wide awake and looking around, but it was like he was trapped in his own body. It was pitiful. Seeing a man who was so in love with the Lord who lived literally day to day to serve the Lord, the strongest most dedicated man of God that I had ever met, so helpless and trapped. I just broke down. I know that I shouldn't worry because the lord will work everything out in His will. And I know that regardless of the circumstance Butch is trusting Him too. But I just can't see how having one of his faithful servants who served him diligently every day for decades who still has plenty of life left to live, trapped and confined to a room not being able to communicate is profitable. How is his current state bringing glory to God when he could be out there serving God? I know the Lord has a plan, but in the moment I have so many questions and am so depressed about the situation.
I guess the only thing to do in the moment is to trust the Lord and his promises, and know that God knows what he is doing. He has a purpose and reason for everything that happens to us. And He reminds us that everything works together for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28).
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Butch doing karate "back in the day" |
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This is one of the most impressive pictures of him! HA |
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Butch with the MSU Egg Bowl trophy! |
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