I've heard many people in my position complain and worry
about finding a job, but I am not doing that. I am not worried. I know that the
Lord has a job out there that is perfect for me and he is preparing me for it,
and it for me. The thing that gets me is that it is taking a long time. I am
not the most patient person, and God knows this, thus why He is teaching me a
lesson of patience these past 8 months. I’m not worried about finding a job,
I'm just tired of waiting. But ultimately, I know that His timing is
So, to avoid going crazy from sitting at home all day, I
tend to visit local coffee shops occasionally. Wait, I take that back. I tend
to visit local coffee shops EVERY DAY! With me, I have my bag filled with my
computer, several books, and my Bible. I usually spend several hours on end at
these coffee shops either reading, looking for jobs, or working on topical
Bible studies. I tend to concentrate better away from home and I am more
productive as well. I think its the change in scenery.
The main coffee shop I go to is Starbucks, yes, I know, cliché
as all get out, but whatever. Being a frequent customer at this place, I have
gotten to know some of the baristas and even more of the other regulars. Its a
bit like the old TV show Cheers.
In Starbucks there is my friend Pierre, who is very smart
and is always reading about some old dead white British Christian or
Theologian. You also have Ozzy, who is a man in his early 80's who was born in
Puerto Rico but grew up in the Bronx who loves to talk about the Lord. I always
smile when I see his truck in the parking lot, which has a large sticker on the
tailgate with a bible verse on it. In the evenings you have the former MSU Track and Cross Country star Renee. She is now a science teacher at my old high school.
Her husband is in seminary and is working part time as a youth minister. They
just had their first child. She too has a blog. It is amazing and encouraging.
I urge you to check it out here. There is also
a pair of foreign guys who always wear scarves and can be identified by their strong
and liberal usage of cologne, a few 20-something-year-olds playing World
of Warcraft, and a guy who sits outside and leeches off of the store's Wi-Fi.
And last but not least you have Forrest. Forrest was my French professor last
summer. He is currently working on his PhD while teaching both French and
Spanish at MSU. I swear, whichever coffee shop I go to, Forrest is usually
there. I'm beginning to wonder if he is omnipresent. I hear him downstairs
right now as I am writing this in the loft of another coffee shop,
I've gotten to know Forrest quite well in the past months
talking to him at all the different coffee shops. He is a very delightful
fellow. Today I was talking to him and as I got up to leave, he stopped me and
said "Look man, I know I was your teacher and all, but you have taught me
a lot. I’ve learned a lot from you." This kind of took me by surprise. We have discussed many things: from
alcohol, his thesis, my job search, to things like theology and God. Who knows which one of those he learned from, but regardless, it is always nice to know that God can use you to have an impact on people. He went on
to say: "I know your life isn't that clear right now, what with the job
search and all, but I know that there is one out there for you. Maybe its just
not ready for you yet, like its not opened, or things just haven't lined up
yet. So don't worry." I told him that he is exactly right. God has a place
for me, and His timing is perfect, Im just so doggone impatient. I explained
that for some unknown reason, God has me still here in Starkville. I jokingly
suggested that maybe God wants me to just talk to people in coffee shops for
months on end. Forrest chimed in, "Have you ever thought that maybe you're
here for just ONE person? I don't mean all the scores of guys you meet with in
here, but just ONE person?" I paused and thought about it. That thought
has crossed my mind from time to time. I told him that he might be onto
something there. If the Lord wanted here all these months to talk to people, if
something I said was able to help one person, or share God's truth with one
person, or encourage one person, that would be worth it. If the Lord could use
me to change one person's life, then all this waiting would totally be worth
it. It reminded me of several verses.
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other
up, just as in fact you are doing."
-1 Thessalonians 5:11
"And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn
those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the
weak, be patient with everyone."
-Thessalonians 5:14
"And let us consider how to stir up one another to
love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of
some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the
Day drawing near."
-Hebrews 10:24-25
"Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good
word makes him glad."
-Proverbs 12:25
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens
-Proverbs 27:17
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by
so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."
-Hebrews 13:2
Encouragement. That’s pretty much what the Christian Life is
all about. Building up one another, helping those in need, sharing the good
news of Christ with those who do not know. And as Forrest suggested, if I was
stuck here in Starkville for all these months for the purpose of encouraging
just ONE person, that would be totally worth it. We don’t always know what God
is doing while we are waiting on Him. The best thing to do is to continue to
trust Him. Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway. I have no
doubt that the Lord used Forrest to speak those words of encouragement to me,
it was exactly what I needed to hear today.
thanks Nick!!! this was a great post. love thinking about that last little bit, what if we were here to affect just one person? kinda neat. glad God is so sweet to put us through annoying and challenging and frustrating times so we have to rely on him.