Monday, July 14, 2014

Women Against Women Against New-Wave Feminism?

Many of you have probably seen this making rounds on Facebook and Twitter. It's an article attacking girls who are a opposed to the "new-wave" sex-fanatic Feminism. 

I agree that true feminism is about equality, but this author has it all wrong. What these girls are protesting against is the modern "new wave" feminism that is taking over academia. I have friends who have encountered these on their campuses. Women who host masturbation workshops, sex workshops, sell sex toys on campus, post child porn around campuses, bring porn stars to speak at campuses, who believe that motherhood is equal to being a slave, that women should be allowed to kill their children if they are a burden to them, and much more.  

My friend recently was honored by my university to attend a national women's conference in DC and she said that most of what was discussed was this crazy disgusting branch of so-called feminism.  These groups of these people claim you can't be a feminist of you don't support those things. 

THAT is what these girls are referring to. 
This is my friend's blog telling what was being taught as "feminism" on the national academic level. As you can see, none of the true attributes about feminism were talked about. This is the very thing that these girls were talking about

I recently went to a Feminists For Life seminar of a group of women who stay true to the true meaning of feminism: Non-Violence, non discrimination, and equality for all human beings. That's what the original and real feminist foremothers like Susan B Anthony, Phyllis Schlafly, Dr Elizabeth Blackwell, Dr Charlotte Lozier, Elizabeth Stanton, Alice Paul, and many others all believed and fought for.
I believe whole heartedly in these true aspects of feminism that these amazing women believed in and fought for. Not what is being taught as feminism now adays 

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